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NMM custom installation for mods help


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Hey there Nexites!


Ok so I know the title is a little vague, but Ill try and better explain my question now.

I just finished my first mod a few days ago, (here's a link, I highly encourage you to visit it! :wink: Scenic Skyrim Menu Re-placer with Randomizer) and I sat and wondered how I could improve on it. I thought about making a custom installation window in NMM, so that people can pick and choose which ever backgrounds they want to use. So my question is, is there anyone out there that can either: 1) give me a tutorial on how to do this, or 2) are themselves good at making these and would like to make one for me. (credit will be given in the mod description of course!)


Anywho, I thank you all in advance!


Edited by mellophonist
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