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Organizational suggestion


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There are beginning to be a whole bunch of FO3 mods. Some with all kinds of promise... and some not so much.

It's beginning to be difficult to wade through some of the crap that gets uploaded to find that stuff that people spent all kinds of time and effort on. For example in the weapons section there is a HUGE number of mods, some of which just alter the stats of a currently in game gun while others create entirely new guns and others still have created a butt load of new models for guns (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2307). It may be presumptuous of me but I have a feeling members of the fallout community are gonna want to know about the one I just linked and care less about changing the damage and spread on the 10MM pistol.



Ways to accomplish this:

1. make a "moderator's choice" category that can't be directly uploaded to but that some forum administrator can push mods to as they see fit

2. It would be nice to list some of the mods in order of most downloaded. That would in part help.

3. make a trash heap category that mods will get pushed to if they get too many "1" ratings.

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If you browse the Weapons Category, you have an option to organize based on the following (either Ascending or Descending):




Upload Date

Last Update

File Size




People also publish their favorites lists (like mine) which are also sources for finding the best-in-class but they are ALL very subjective, subject to being out-dated and you have to take each piece of data you find with a grain of salt.


There is also a Files of the Month that is being generated. A Top 100 list has not been created yet but will eventually show up.


You can also find very specific items you are looking for using the Tag Search feature but that relies on author and community feedback to tag mods. If you only tag your favorites, I guess that is another way to "whittle" the list down. ;)



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Well every try the tag search, or category search, or the advanced search options.


Seems to work fine for me, but I use it all the time.

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Yamamoto, being a database administrator, I assume those fields in the dropdown list are there mainly because that is data readily available on the data table being queried (very little overhead to use) but most of those options can be useful based on what you are looking for.


Posting suggestions like "it could be better" is useless without specific examples for improvement. The OP had specific suggestions and there are existing solutions for each that s/he did not know about.



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