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Any way im geting to the point were im not playing so much but makeing things i'm Basicly need a team to help me out a bit.


I Have a mod that needs troubleshooting and a modder to tweak it a bit so it works better.


The Storyline is simply You make a New Country out in the Wasteland and fight other Factions for Control of Resources, heck i even plan on makeing Enemy Armys so you have some one to fight againest there will be a lot of Quests, Battles, Wars even a new enemy faction.


but first i have to get the small things down first like get, Beta Testers for it and a 3d modder, an Other General modder.

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give me some more info and my modding and modelling skills are at you're service. throw me a PM or get me on msn man




find the search function on www.fallout3nexus.com type in D6 and there'll be a list of some my crap there if you want to see some of it

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any one else




if your interreasted in the this project you can read more on the link above.


anywas i got the site up and runing so if you want to join contact me or deliverance6

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Im starting to feel like the only one working on this Project. i know Mattlock737 Fallout 3 computer is down and i havent seen dealiverance6 in many days hey did he ever get that flagpole done.
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well we are still in need of some more people if you whant to join and dont have much expereince with moding we will teact you how.
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