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After Skyrim: PC'S Become NPC Companions


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You've already finished the game's main quest line and numerous side quests/fetch quests. Now what? Why not have your previous character become a companion for hire to accompany you through the game?


If this mod idea could be executed, your previous character could appear at a random town and be hireable either through a small side quest or gold. Also the possibility of marriage as well.

Edited by yk0520
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You can do this through CK. First note all of your perks and skills and armor. Start the game and use the ~ key and type spf (your character's name) without the (). This will save your character as a npc file that can be imported into the Creation KIt where you can add perks and relationships and place him/her wherever you want.


More information can be found here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/572037-character-face-export/

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