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Set Target Actor as Owner of items added to their corpse


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Hello Nexus Modding Community, I could use some help.


I have a script that targets a human corpse, checks that it is dead, add items to it(skull, human flesh, bone meal, iron ore and bloody rags) and then disintegrates the body. It all works great.


What I am having trouble with is:


1) giving ownership of the newly added items to the dead npc (akTarget). I want these items to show up in their inventor with the red hand, and to be marked as stolen when looted by our PC's. I included a snippet below.

Scriptname dw02ISeeTheLight extends activemagiceffect  
{Using modified Magelight to target a deadbody.}

import utility

MiscObject Property BoneHumanSkullFull auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	bool bIsDead = akTarget.IsDead()
	IF bIsDead == TRUE

		akTarget.AddItem(BoneHumanSkullFull,1,true)	;<<<<< Works
		BoneHumanSkullFull.SetActorOwner(akTarget().GetActorBase())	;<<<<< Not correct.  I tried many variations.


2) Making the casting this spell a crime if observed.



Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions.

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Your script does not have the ID of the added item, so it can't set ownership, it should look something like this:

ObjecReference MyObj = akTarget.AddItem(BoneHumanSkullFull,1,true)

MyObj .SetActorOwner(akTarget().GetActorBase())

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Thank you maxarturo.


I added per your recommendation:


ObjectReference MyObj = akTarget.AddItem(BoneHumanSkullFull,1,true)  ;<<<< compiles fine
MyObj.SetActorOwner(akTarget().GetActorBase()) <<<does not compile, throws errors:
           ;(127,23): akTarget is not a function or does not exist, then
           ;(127,34): none is not a known user-defined type

I also tried
MyObj.SetActorOwner(akTarget.GetActorBase()); <<<compiles, but does not change ownership

I added the debug:
debug.notification("MyObj = " + MyObj.GetActorOwner() + "  " + MyObj)   ;<<<<<< This returns:  "MyObj None None"

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Thank you.

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hmm.. try next, maybe it works.




Scriptname dw02ISeeTheLight extends ActiveMagicEffect  
{Using modified Magelight to target a deadbody.}
; https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9709908-set-target-actor-as-owner-of-items-added-to-their-corpse/

  MiscObject PROPERTY BoneHumanSkullFull auto        ; this is the baseobject of skull

; -- EVENT --

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
IF akTarget.IsDead()
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    target is still alive
    myF_Action( akTarget )

; -- FUNCTION --

FUNCTION myF_Action(Actor akTarget)
; (1) place a new skull object nearby, https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=PlaceAtMe_-_ObjectReference

    objectReference oRef = akTarget.PlaceAtMe(BoneHumanSkullFull as Form, 1, False, TRUE)    ; non-persistent and disabled

; (2) make the ownership, https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=SetActorOwner_-_ObjectReference

;;;    oRef.SetActorOwner( akTarget().GetActorBase() )             ; edited caused by later postings
    oRef.SetActorOwner( akTarget.GetActorBase() )

    Debug.Trace(" *** TEST *** object = " +oRef+ ", owned by " + oRef.GetActorOwner())  ; look at papyrus.0.log (inside My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script)

; (3) now move the skull into NPC inventory

    akTarget.AddItem(oRef as Form)



Edited by ReDragon2013
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Thank you ReDragon2013. I really appreciate how well commented your code is. Unfortunately, I am getting the same set of error messages from the line:


oRef.SetActorOwner( akTarget().GetActorBase() )

(32,24): akTarget is not a function or does not exist

(32,35): none is not a known user-defined type



lofgren, I appreciate your suggestion of moving items into a hidden container and sharing of your experience. I will investigate this. Thank you.

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Thank you maxarturo, RedDragon2013, lofgren and dylbill. You all helped me to figure this out.


RedDragron2013 's code with dylbill's edit works. While the item does not show up with the red hand on the corpse, as soon as the PC loots it it is marked as stolen. Wonderful!

Scriptname dw02ISeeTheLight extends ActiveMagicEffect  
{Using modified Magelight to target a deadbody.}
; https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9709908-set-target-actor-as-owner-of-items-added-to-their-corpse/

  MiscObject PROPERTY BoneHumanSkullFull auto        ; this is the baseobject of skull

; -- EVENT --

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
IF akTarget.IsDead()
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    target is still alive
    myF_Action( akTarget )

; -- FUNCTION --
FUNCTION myF_Action(Actor akTarget)
; (1) place a new skull object nearby, https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=PlaceAtMe_-_ObjectReference

    objectReference oRef = akTarget.PlaceAtMe(BoneHumanSkullFull as Form, 1, False, TRUE)    ; non-persistent and disabled

; (2) make the ownership, https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=SetActorOwner_-_ObjectReference

    oRef.SetActorOwner( akTarget.GetActorBase() )
    Debug.Trace(" *** TEST *** object = " +oRef+ ", owned by " + oRef.GetActorOwner())  ; look at papyrus.0.log (inside My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script)

; (3) now move the skull into NPC inventory

    akTarget.AddItem(oRef as Form)

Thank you again!

Edited by tamtastic
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I've been quite busy lately with work and with the current vast update of my latest mod which is eating all my free time, that's why i didn't respond earlier, but i see you manage to resolve the issue with the help of others modders.

** I replied to your post just right before hitting the bed (while i was literally sleeping on my feet), and i just copy/paste your lines without checking them to see the "akTarget()", which was a stupid amateur mistake from my part. Sorry...

Have a happy modding.

Edited by maxarturo
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