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Remove item from scrap list?


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I am making my own personal Sanctuary with a mix of in game settlement building and changes in the CK. I added the prewar road in CK and I am wondering how to make it un-scrappable. I am using scrap everything mod. I think I've found the scrap recipe but I'm afraid to touch anything as I have no idea what it would mess up. Any help would be appreciated.

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There's an unscrappable keyword.

You can either add it in CK, or when this is not possible, have a script that adds the keyword attached to the reference. You can make anything unscrappable like that.

Scriptname CRP:MakeUnscrappableObject extends ObjectReference

; custom scripting by niston - add unscrappable keyword to object

Event OnInit()
	Keyword kwdUnscrappable = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x1cc46a, "Fallout4.esm") as Keyword
	kwdUnscrappable = none
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There's an unscrappable keyword.

You can either add it in CK, or when this is not possible, have a script that adds the keyword attached to the reference. You can make anything unscrappable like that.

Scriptname CRP:MakeUnscrappableObject extends ObjectReference

; custom scripting by niston - add unscrappable keyword to object

Event OnInit()
	Keyword kwdUnscrappable = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x1cc46a, "Fallout4.esm") as Keyword
	kwdUnscrappable = none

So can I just add this script, as-is to any item to make it unscappable?

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You can add it to any reference (things that have been placed in CK render window), yes. Compile, attach, enjoy. No configuration required.

You can also add it to items as well, but some (Statics for example) have no proposition for adding a script directly to them.

Other items do have a keyword list, so using the script would usually not make sense and you'd directly add the unscrappable keyword to them instead.



One thing, if you use the script: Rename it's namespace before you compile.

Scriptname <ChangeThisPartToYourOwnModsName>:MakeUnscrappableObject extends ObjectReference
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