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[Mod Request] Backpack


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  • 1 year later...



Just adding 100 lbs to max weight would be unbalanced and cheating, that's a very unpopular decission to make when uploading any mod on the nexus.

However, aedenthorn created Backpack Redux which is exactly what you want but with even a more unbalanced approach:

// The weight of the items in the backpack are added to the weight of your player's inventory, after applying a weight multiplier 
// (default 0.5, meaning things in the backpack weigh half as much as they normally would).
This way you will be adding up to 450lbs (having 900lbs stored in the backpack+belt).

I think it is lovely how this mod instead of just adding extra weight makes the user make real use of the backpack in order to work.


May your road lead you to warm sands, friend.

Edited by UlisesAffro
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