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Experience books?


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A mod that would put an Item(book?) that make you gain X-amout of XP from in the game? How does that sounds? Like lets say: one smal, medium and big that gives 50, 150 and 500xp (one time use).
The smal ones can be fairly common and the big ones are very rare :)
-Book of stories
-Book of tales
-Book of legends

It wouldn't be to hard to make right?

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To both of you, scrpit:ing and such are the one thing I totally sucks on, hands down (why I requested/ wished for this mod).

And for "whats the point" well Knowlage is power~ I want as many ways to gain xp as possible and then lower the global amout of xp you get from things.


Versatility~ is the word and the answer to your question - Liclongquan


Edited by Ryuukage0101
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In that case I tell you that current FNV is pretty overfilled with opportunity for XP. Just play vanilla with not much grinding, I cap level50 at OWB (not even meet Benny at the Tops yet).


If you add xp books like these, the cap will be achieve much sooner.


Your item should be used alongside with Slower Reveling mod, at least 2x (double xp req for each level).

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Well attach the script to a book seems farily easy. Yet That is not all, I want to be able to find it in generall/random places in the wastes. And be able to buy it at merchants (It should restock veryslow).

Iaclongquan - "In that case I tell you that current FNV is pretty overfilled with opportunity for XP. Just play vanilla with not much grinding, I cap level50 at OWB (not even meet Benny at the Tops yet)."

That cant be true.. I have played over 40 hours and i'm at level 33 and I have manage to finish HH and Lonesome road (not hardcore). And in that play I didnt do much "roleplay".
Surely you can try to level your hardest but people like me rather play fallout NV with "Rollplay spirit" and with that I mean we are not trying to gain XP when ever we can.

Overfill? hardly. NV have fewer ways to get XP than I have fingers on my hands.

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Ok, to add it to a vendor follow these steps.

1. Go to the containers tab, and type "vendor" open any one of these.

You can either add these straight to the vendors inventory, but since you want a longer respawn were gonna do it a different way, which is the better way for compatability concerns.

2. Change the name of the container to something you'll be able to find. I'd recommend using your initials as a prefix.

3. Delete all the items that are in the container, and add in the items you want them to sell.

4. Close the window by clicking ok. When it asked if you'd like to create a new form, say yes.

5. Go to the cell that your adding the items to, for example for Chet go to GSGeneralStore (I think that's the name) and drag the container into the window. Be sure to place it somewhere that the player can't reach it. Such as under the floor or outside the walls.

6. Double click the container in the render window and go to the ownership tab. Set ownership to Chet (I believe his I'd is GSChet)


Thats that, you've added the items tos merchant with no need for a merge patch.


If you want to randomize the books they have you'll have to some leveled list entries, which I'll go into if you want to do it.

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Another Idéa I got was to change the already existing books "aka burned/ruin/prewar" and add a exp script to them (of couse balanced).
instead of 100 xp and such it could be like 5/10/25xp

Edited by Ryuukage0101
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