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It'd really help the modding community if...


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It'd really help the modding community if the Game Setting wiki page were completed.


Why this is a time consuming problem for modders:

There are many game settings in Skyrim as you can see.

But most of them don't do anything because they're artifacts from Morrowind/Oblivion/Fallout.

And they're also named vaguely, so it's hard to determine what they do if anything.


If any modder wants to make a mod with game settings:

That modder needs to spend time testing if changing that game setting actually does anything, and if so, what it does.


Or, even worse, the modder might not test it at all.


There certainly is no shortage of lazy modders who will take the:

"I'm too lazy to test if these game settings actually do anything, So I'm just going to edit a huge bunch of them and cross my fingers." Approach


And certainly the community deserves better than that.


How you can help:

Fortunately you don't need ANY modding knowledge to figure out which game settings actually do anything.


Just type "SetGS [Gamesetting] [#]" into your console and try it out.

It's that simple, it's just a matter of getting enough people to test everything and actually fill out the wiki.


You can register an account on the wiki and edit yourself, or post your findings here and I can do it for you.

Edited by GrimyBunyip
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