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[Mod Request] Animal transport


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We should be able to transport tamed animals, both on cart and Longship.


Suggestion: Build a item that takes up a inventory slot and visualizes as a cage. A cart can carry 1 wolf cage, or 2 boar cages. Longship; 2 wolf cage or 4 boar cages. Cage has durability that can't be repaired by hammer, so lvl 1 cage (pre bronze-age) last for a short time, lvl 2 (bronze-age) last for a ingame day (?) and lvl 3 (iron-age) last for 2 days (?).

Lvl 4 is huge raft (black metal) to be towed by Longship for moving a single Lox, lasting 12 hours?

Can replace animal into a new cage, but animal need to be let out of old cage and into a pen.

Player capture tamed animals into the cage, by placing the cage on hotbar and pressing the key when looking at animal. If making a computer model of cage is difficult at this moment, we can use the Custom Texture mod, to give the animal texture strips (like a prison suit) to indicate that we have it in a cage. When we are near and looking at it, we can see the timer of how long the cage is lasting.

Since player didn't "loose" the cage from the hot-bar, we can then open the cart or ship and move the "cage-item" over. Animal will follow the player or cart/ship that has the "cage-item"

Would be cool, if animal could stand still on deck/cart flatbed.

"Cage-item" could be prohibited to move trough portals (like metal and ore), so "portal mods" must consider to allow it.

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Had some more thoughts about this.

Have ideas for two ways this could work ingame. How to implement it is way out of my league.


Suggestion 1) Craft a "cage-item" that must be "armed" like any other tool. To activate it, you "use it" (normal attack or special attack button?) on the tamed animal. Like a none damaging way of the Harpoon. This makes the tamed animal passive and to follow you close, and you can walk with it. But the "cage-item" decay over time (given by the item quality level, and what age it is produced), something like wood-structure in rain, but it can go down to zero and break.

This "cage-item" you have in player inventory can be moved over to Cart, Karve and Longship inventory, and the decay clock will still ticking down. Animal will be passiv and "locked" next to the Storage place. For me it can be invisible, aka actually "stored inside the cargo-hold" On the cart it would be nice to have some artifact like the boxes and stuff that we see when we fills up the inventory slots. To see status of decay, we must hover over the item in inventory. To swap out the decayed item to a new one, the animal must be in the open, like in a pen.

Maybe player can only have 1 Wolf-cage or max 2 Boar-cage in our inventory at the same time? And have limits to how many "cage-item" Cart, Karve and Longship inventory can have?


Suggestion 2) This "cage-item" must be placed on hot-bar, and given to the tamed animal (like objects you give to alters to summon bosses). You still keep it in the hot-bar, and "the other half" is in inventory of the tamed animal. (1 slot for Boar, 2 slot for Boar lvl 3, and 2 slot for Wolf, 3 for lvl2 and 4 slot for Wolf lvl 3) Because a companion must be able to carry for you :)

Then this "cage-item" can be moved over to Cart, Karve and Longship inventory, just like alternative 1. To move it out of storage, and into a pen, player must set "cage-item" back into hot-bar, and de-activate the link by pressing the hot-bar number, on to the animal. "Give" the item (and "freedom") back to the animal, once again. Now the animal is free of the "cage-item", and can be placed under a new one, if you haven't reached your destination.


The Lox sea-transport, could be 4 rafts, put together, with inventory slots to be used as a pram. Player must use a Harpoon like item to link the other vessel to the pram. Lox can follow player on foot, with alternativ 1 or 2.

Lox inventory should be many slots, to "carry your burden".

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