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Endless loading when try to get into a outdoor cell


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I have quite a collection of active mods but and thats the thing about it I don't recent change anything and now suddenly after I first enter the f*#@ing "Red Eagle Ascent" Cave or what ever you will call that the game is loading but nothing happens when I want out of it. None of the modifications touch the cave. I only manage to get outside If I start a new game and load after the char creation my safe game but and thats what is crap about this fix it is not permanent. Short after I get into a outdoor cell and enter another indoor cell and want to go outside again I must create also a new game. What the heck is this?

And yah I have changed my skyrim.ini but it was fine before I enter this cave.

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I carry 390 of 450 and I mange to walk away and doing some other quests with this temporary fix. But now I am stuck in a other indoor cell "Knifeport Mine".

I have waited for 24h and load it again but I am still stuck there.

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it isn't the weight so much as the number of different items and the number of each.

390 capacity of alchemy ingredients plus all the weightless items (notes, coins, arrows) means the game has to handle far more information than if you had 390 of mammoth tusks and dragon bones.


you could look up the console commands and item ID numbers so you could remove items from your inventory without leaving them in the area you are in.

if that works then we're on the right track.

if it doesn't you have the save from just before to try something else.


another option could be the script cleaner in SKSE.

create a txt file called skse.ini

paste the following into it





then save it in your :\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\SKSE folder

start the game with SKSE, load your save and then leave the game running for a while (as long as you can), make a fresh save then try exiting the interior again.


you could also try SKYRIM Save Cleaner

just follow the instructions to create the dump save and then use the automatic option to clean the save.


you can try any or all of these at the same time


ps. can you post your list of mods and the load order ?

Edited by mighty zog
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Thanks I will try that.
And right I have maybe to much ingredients and foods. I try also to store all my stuff into a chest on the indoor cell and I could go outside. I load the save again and try it again but this time it doesn't worked.

Active mods and loading order:

  • Update.esm Active
  • ApachiiHair.esm Active
  • JSwords.esm Active
  • SPIKE.esm Active
  • Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active
  • Chesko_Frostfall.esp Active
  • Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active
  • BabettesFeastBalanced.esp Active
  • CookingExpanded.esp Active
  • SkyRealism - Feast and Famine - BabettesFeastBalanced.esp Active
  • Malkavs Collection.esp Active
  • SDO Full-LOD - Giant Campfires.esp Active
  • SDO Full-LOD - The Morthal Swamp Complete.esp Active
  • SDO Full-LOD - Waterfall Effects.esp Active
  • SDO Full-LOD - Whiterun Trundra Creeks.esp Active
  • SkyRealism - Feast and Famine.esp Active
  • Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp Active
  • Convenient Horses.esp Active
  • Character Creation Overhaul.esp Active
  • SkyUI.esp Active
  • iHUD.esp Active
  • hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Active
  • ArmorDisguises.esp Active
  • PumpingIron.esp Active
  • CCO - Oblivion Carry Weights.esp Active
  • CCO - Permanent Birthsigns.esp Active
  • Disable Fast Travel Permanently - Carriages cost 10x more.esp Active
  • Distant Detail.esp Active
  • Headtracking.esp Active
  • LFox Alchemists Have Ingredients Ultra.esp Active
  • SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp Active
  • Realistic Lighting - Full.esp Active
  • Duke Patricks - Heavy Weapons Combat.esp Active
  • Killmove Control.esp Active
  • Locational Damage.esp Active
  • TKDodge.esp Active
  • CCO - Dynamic Skill Progression.esp Active
  • Crimson Tide - Blood.esp Active
  • ACE Enchanting.esp Active
  • ACE Magic.esp Active
  • ACE Smithing.esp Active
  • ACE Synergy.esp Active
  • kuerteeSkillBasedDamageMultipliers.esp Active
  • Random Alternate Start.esp Active
  • CCO - Diverse Races And Genders.esp Active
  • rcrnShaders.esp Active
  • RCRNvolumetric.esp Active
  • WATER.esp Active

I also have some mods without esp's :


Better Animal Footsteps

Skyrim Sound Overhaul

The Real Fus Ro Dah

Skyrim HD 2k textures (FULL and all of them)

Female Muscle Mod

Non Combat Skills Dont Contribute to Player Level


I also use timesetting of 5 if it helps.


I let check my esp's with the BOSS tool. It change my load order like this but I don't see any change in the game and I don't get it why a tool who should help you change load orders of mods who definitely should have a other load order like the "SkyRealism"

After BOSS told me that some mods maybe need to be cleaned with the TES5Edit I've done that too.


Eh question about the SKSE folder, there is none. So I just create one an put the SKSE.ini in it?

Ok I see that there is also a Console command for it and I will try that.

And the Save Cleaner don't solve problem, after I load the safe I am still stuck there and cant get out.

Edited by Vanadinit
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