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Reduced performance hits during Civil War battles


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I am trying to do the Battle of Whiterun and I'm unable to get past 1.2 FPS. Reducing texture quality doesn't do anything, disabling scripts does squat, etc. Seriously, it's a painintheass.


What's weirdest of all is that when you pause, go into a menu, or open the console, the FPS shoots right back up. What the hell is that about?


What I'd like to see is a mod that addresses this matter and reduces/removes whatever it is that causes your performance to take a nosedive during those battles. It is really friggin annoying.

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My old computer ran my game at 3FPS or lower in battles or large detailed areas, except like you said in menu screens or the console menu, and I still beat the game several times. So its probably just that your computer isn't (or is barely) good enough to run the game rather then you needing a mod to speed up the game, unless this is the only place you have an FPS problem?

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