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Problems with Specular Textures


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When I use BSA Browser to extract a specular texture from BA2, the result -using the extracted, but otherwise unedited specular texture file- is extremely pixelated.

When I use Extract2 to extract the same specular texture from BA2, the result is still pixelated, albeit not as extreme as with BSA Browser.


Using the specular texture in the BA2:




Using same texture extracted from the BA2, but not edited in any way:




WTH is going on?

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The texture in question is ResWindowSheet_s.dds. I've noticed the same pixelation with others though.


I've also just gave BAE a try, and it's the very same result as with BSA Browser or Bethesda's Extract2 tool: Ugly, pixelated mess.

BAE extracted the full path, I didn't notice. After copying to the proper folder, it works fine.

Thanks for the tip :smile:


Albeit I find it a bit worrying that Bethesda's own BA2 extraction tool can't properly extract some of Bethesda's own textures from Bethesda's own BA2 archives.

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