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The Moot


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ok, first off I have to tip my hat to all the mod makers out there. keep up the good work. I want to put this idea out there in the hope that someone who knows what their doing will read this. there needs to be a moot. how could they stop the civil war quest without appointing a new high king/queen? im thinking a quest of some sort to put your name in the running for the coveted throne. you should have to be a thane of every hold to even be considered. I could see this mod working great with a thalmor invasion mod (damn god cops).

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You probably best post this to the mod requests sub-forum, where modders looking for ideas might sooner see it. Apart from that, while I would love to have a Moot, none of my characters would want to be High King/ Queen, so it would be cool if you could simply continue to help your faction-leader and maybe uncover some intrigue along the way.

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After everything I did, I certainly had a character or two that was offended that there wasn't a path to becoming a High Ruler of some kind. I mean Thane?


The other Dragonborn known was an Emperor I think but the best these guys can do for me is give me some title that really doesn't mean much of anything except that if I happen to steal a sweet roll or two that they MIGHT let m go with a warning? LOL


So yeah, I'm pickin up what you're puttin down mah friend.

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