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Picky for skyrim homes and abodes


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So I have been looking for a while for a home/abode for my Dragonborn in Skyrim but I have to say I am a little too picky when it comes to finding a place. I need a place of grandeur, something almost ornate. I want my home to stand out with its splendor and beauty. It needs to have all I need for my adventures such as alchemy station, smith and the like. I want it to possibly have a vault, somewhere with custom stands for all my findings and Daedric Artifacts so I can look at them all on display. It needs to have an exceptional bedroom and living area and It also has to be believably livable. Somewhere that looks like a home for me and my family since a lot of the better mods I find look more like temples or Dwemer ruins than actual houses. It needs to feel like home and ascertain all these other qualities besides. If someone knows of a good abode mod that meets most of the requirements please list it so I can check it out, otherwise I am going to be spending way too many hours just searching for one mod after the other.

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Do you want something that requires a bit of work to get? My home matches what you want based on description although I am only about 80 percent done or so. You will be able to buy it or do a small but challenging quest to get it. It will also require all dlc's.


Lots of fountains, plantable areas, a bit of grandeur. Also a bed that gives well rested bonus, crafting area, storage area, library, secret rooms, connected dungeon (clearing this is one way to obtain the house) And lots of other things besides.


Currently working on: Vault. This will have custom holders for those hard to place weapons and items.


Based on solitude architecture. It will be called Waterstone Manor because of the fountains I have throughout. Give me two or three weeks and it should be playable. If you can't wait I understand, just thought I would give you a heads up in case your interested.

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