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[MOD REQUEST] sky texture that removes odens tree


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  • 1 year later...



The thing is that the mod you were requesting was posted just 11 days after u asked for it (So mate, you could become an influencer on insta or something :tongue:) and you got TWO options:

  • Remove Yggdrasil: The original mod, you should first try this one, follow the installation instructions, it is a two step installation.
  • NO yggdrasil: This was uploaded because the author had flickering issues with the original mod, try this one if you find any trouble with the original.
These mods are not exactly welcome to the whole of the community since they erase such relevant lore from the game and that's the reason why they don't have lots of endorses.

Please, have this in mind and make sure you leave a big endorsement to any of the mods you finally choose :thumbsup:


May your road lead you to warm sands, friend.

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