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Mod problem...


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Hey all :)

So, I downloaded this mod ~ http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19733/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D19733 ~ ,Immersive armors, I must say its an awesome mod but my problem is that when I go to the forge and click on "Auxiliary" the only armors I can craft are:The Barbarian armor, Mercenary armor, the redguard cape and the black, brown white fur hoods.

Hope you guys can help me out :)

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I would suggest first that you read ALL the documentation with the mod. I realize its a great deal. Posting your load order here would help. Also do you use BOSS or anything like that to help with your load order?

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Well I think I figured out.I searched my problem in the "Posts" section and I found some1 that has the same problem and this is what somebody answered: "I'm fairly certain that the armors are perk-based. Even though they're placed in their own category at the smith, they still require certain perks. I have access to all, if not most of the armor sets and my main character's smithing is a little higher than Ebony smithing."


So I just have to upgrade my smithing skill? until I reach Ebony/Daedric? I hope....

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Possibly. Its hard to tell since the aux armors are under aux armors.


I also am a horrible cheat and just get that whole smiting thing right out of the way :P


glad you found your answer.

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funny is that I just finished the College quests and decided to go to Azura's Shrine and chose to return the star.Then when I got teleported inside the star to kill that dude guess what....he had the Spellbinder armor from the mod :))))) just perfect for my Battlemage type character :D! thanks anyway guys ;)

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