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Talos Cult Quest problem


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Oritius Maro has handed me the "small key" with which to open the store room trapdoor which leads to Arius Rulician and the Talos Cult info needed to complete the quest; however, the trapdoor refuses to open. Is this a known bug? The key is listed in posessions, but I get the error message "locked from inside & key needed to open".
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OK, I’ve ploughed through a bunch of old messages, and there seems to be a general agreement that the problem is down to a mod, and that if you don’t want to dump the mods (which I don’t), you have to unlock the trapdoor via the console. I’ve also found a post from mb to the effect that:

“Start up the game again, run a TFH through the console (yes, "tfh" is the entire command), look at the door that won't open, and record the script name that appears.

If you'd prefer, go into the CS with all your data files loaded and fetch the script attached to the door that way.”


Now, I’ve never had anything to do with the console, but I tried anyway. Inputting “TFH” reveals scripts on all game objects; what I got from the trapdoor in question was “Script StormholdDoorScript”, while the header on the console window read “console (ex_r_trapdoor_01). My problem is how to use this information; entering any of these texts (indeed, entering anything at all) brings up the response “not found on line 1”.


Could somebody please provide idiot’s instructions for proceeding, keeping in mind my total ignorance and lack of experience at this? Thanks in advance!

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