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How to update Skyrim without Steam auto update?


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When I first got the game way back when it was released I took the advice of all the people whining about steam updates ruining their mods and turned off steam auto update. Sometime after the first DLC was released for the game I stopped playing because I wanted to wait until I could upgrade my pc so I could run some of the more hardware intensive mods like enb's.


Recently I tried to play the game again after updating the script extender and got a message saying I can't play until Skyrim had been patched to the latest version. I went back into Skyrims properties on Steam to try and enable auto update but in the menu where you enable it there isn't an "accept", "apply", or "ok" button to press after making the change so everytime I close the window the game doesn't patch.


So is there something I am missing or is there a way around this that I don't know of? Yes I have tried google and I haven't found a thing but people talking about how to remove auto update.

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