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Alter position of sheathed weapon


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Hi guys


So I have a weapon that when unsheathed fits my character perfectly, trouble is when I sheathe it it doesn't look right at all. It seems that both these are tied together so I can either have it looking correctly when sheathed or looking correctly when unsheathed.


Does anyone know of a way to change this? Either through a script that swaps for another .nif file or If If there is no way to do that I guess I will just have to make it a left handed weapon only. If that's the case is there anyway to prevent it being equipped on the right hand?


Thanks in advance,



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The unsheathed weapon location / position is defined by animations (such as idle, unsheathed, running etc) which although is relatively easy to adjust in say 3DS Max it's a lengthy process to get the animations files converted to a readable format, and back again.

The sheathed location / position is defined by the skeleton (the weapon effectively shows up as a bone). I don't recall if you can do an adjustment in NifSkope or if you'll need something like 3DS Max again. Obviously though, altering something as globally significant as the skeleton would have an affect with all weapon locations / positions (unless a clever soul would like to prove me wrong here).


EDIT: Forgot to mention, also I recall seeing a popular thread on this particular forum not too many months ago stating / discussing a potential method of moving weapons around directly within Creation Kit. I don't have a link to that thread, but you may want to try and dig it out.

Edited by LargeStyle
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