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[MOD REQUEST] Place Anywhere/Place In Red


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A mod that allows us to build wherever we want, even when it's red.

I did see a mod for building in dungeons, but I don't think it covered this.


What gets me thinking about this is how picky the crafting benches upgrades are. I want to put them where I want! haha.


Thank your for your time.

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It appears that V+ does not remove the restriction for placing, at least, some items, in red. Again, e.g. campfire on wood floors.

BUT, you can move placed items. It's not as quick as being able to place in red, but it will work.

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I can place campfires anywhere so it should work just fine.

I've looked through the build section of the config & enabled what sounds like the right one, but no deal. Says invalid when trying to place on wood floors. Not sure where yours & mine differs.


; Change false to true to enable this section

; Remove some of the Invalid placement messages, most notably provides the ability to place objects into other objects

Is there another place?


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