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Your experience with Skyrim on a SSD [need advice]


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Over the last few months I've been acquiring mods for the day that I finally work on modding Skyrim and I have at least 100+ gathered so far. I want the best performance for Skyrim with as little hiccups as possible. I've already upgraded the rest of my computer but I am wondering if I should go the extra mile and purchase a 120gb SSD to put Skyrim on? Is the end result going to be worth a hundred bucks? I've seen videos that show Skyrim's load times are greatly improved but for me a twenty second decrease in loading time is negligible. I know SSDs don't provide any FPS improvements but what about microstuttering as the game loads in textures? I've yet to play Skyrim, modded or unmodded so I am unsure of just how big an issue microstuttering/texture pop-ins are and if a SSD will truly make a difference or if that is more reliant on my GPU (I have a 7970)


I could use some advice from anyone who is running a heavily modded Skyrim without a SSD and those who are running it on a SSD.


- How long are load times on a heavily modded Skyrim without a SSD? How much are they improved with a SSD? I don't mind waiting an extra 30 seconds but if it improves load times by minutes then a SSD may be worth it.

- Is microstuttering from textures/mobs popping in that much of an issue on a heavily modded Skyrim? If so, would a SSD greatly improve it or would the difference be negligible?



I'd appreciate any advice! It may very well save me a 100 bucks. Thanks!


(( Also not sure if this is in the right topic or not! ))

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Thats something I want to know too the "microstuttering"
I've run Skyrim first on the std HDD with 7.6k rpm and now I run the game with maybe 60 mods on a WD Raptor with also maximum Skyrim settings what the system can take and the only thing I noticed is that it load faster after I change Skyrim to the raptor disk.
I also have a SSD for the OS only but I don't want to share this disk with none related OS things.

There is also another thing you can do but only IF you get enough RAM. A Simple technology who is old but outrun every SSD on the marked and it is called RAMDISK.

The Ramdisk it self is only a software who need your RAM to work. A Ramdisk use a part of your RAM and simulate a CD/HDD or whatever you want. I've use that for other games who really need freaking much more than a heavy modified Skyrim and the loading times and micro crap things are really laughable with it. If you want to do this you need enough RAM to load the whole application in it and also you need enough to run the rest of your system. Thats why I have 32gb of ram in my gaming rig. If you have the right software you can get a 64gb Ramdisk. The Ramdisk only copy what you want to it self and you can run it with max loading speeds. Some ramdisk softwares also allow you to auto mount applications to it. STD thing is that the ramdisk after the application is closed, erase everything from it for the next thing you want to mount.

Edited by Vanadinit
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Loading time on Skyrim that is on SSD?

With 110 active .esp (not counting texture/etc. replacers) my loading time from main menu is 12 seconds (HyperX 120gb SSD).

Save was at front door of Fort Dawnguard (with 2 followers).

Edited by kalikka
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Close the game first to clear RAM. If RAM has the data from your save, it loads in 5 seconds.

When I load the game --> quit to main menu --> load it again = 5 second loading time.

Save file size is 13,5mb.


Stuttering? 120hz monitor and Im used to 120fps --> Never seen any stuttering.

Edited by kalikka
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Then you maybe you never played around with the SkyrimPrefs.ini . I can see from a good spot form the south of skirim to the end of the map to the north and still see most trees.

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If you change your render range and change the render range of trees and grass your loading times will rise and maybe you will see some thing who will slow your game down. If you do it to much your loading times with a normal HDD will rise up to 15minutes ;)

Edited by Vanadinit
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