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Is it possible to install this game without Steam?


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Hi, I am having eternal issues about playing this game within Steam. I set the game up with SK Script Extender64 so I can play the game with mods I like, but then Steam updates the game and renders everything useless by removing the sound and ability to start a new game? Does anyone know a workaround without Steam trying to micro manage your sock drawer?

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No you cannot run Skyrim without Steam (and although I could be wrong, afaik, nor can you install it without steam). However, you can run the Steam client in offline mode. I not only do that, but I also disable the network card, since I often used to see an odd (and to me, a slightly disturbing) spike in network traffic when launching skyrim (via SKSE64_loader), even with steam in offline mode, vortex closed, and no browsers or other network apps open.

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TBH, those pesky Steam updates (mostly just for promoting some Creation Club stuff) used to be a real pain in the rear.


Nowadays they aren't any more. Skyrim SE wasn't updated for months now. So "forced updates" (which you can avoid as said above) aren't a real "danger" any more.

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