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Hardcore mods recommendation?


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Hello Nexus, i must say i really enjoy realism in games so im making my skyrim as hardcore as it gets, my current mods are Total Realism - Basic Needs, Hunterborn and Frostfall, right now i would really like to add some fur armors to complement frostfall mod, i just love this mod it gives me a reason to change my armor every now and then to make it more realistic, well im also interested in some mod that allows you to catch a cold or get some other disease, it would be cool to find a mod that lets you find more jobs to get some extra coin, well whatever your suggestions are im all ears, thanks in advance :)

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Skyrim AI editor lets you edit AI combat styles.

A lot of hardcore mods (requiem, duel, deadly combat, ASIS) only edit game setting based AI.

They forget to edit combat style AI.


It's a nice way to round out the AI of other hardcore mods.




SkyTweak also will give you a bit more control over the difficulty settings from your other mods.



As a personal suggestion, I like to do the following:

Modify xp rates to 0.

Remove the cap on the number of times you can train per level

and let master trainers train you up to level 100


What I found was that even with mods, it's pretty hard to balance things so your skills level up evenly.

For example, if your destruction falls behind, it suddenly becomes very hard to start using destruction again, because the enemies are leveled up already.


Making trainers the only source of leveling is both an amazing gold sink and a convenient way to insure you level up in a predictable fashion.


other than that you considered item weight mods?
IE weight of gold, arrows, lockpicks?

Edited by GrimyBunyip
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