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Please Help with the PISE and ASIS downloads


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Hello all I am relatively new to modding and have made it up to Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 15 where PISE and ASIS are discussed. I have watched the video over and over and it is recommended to use Mod Manager with this Mod. When you click on files to download PISE it gives you several choices and it says latest version is v1.84. When clicking files to download...nowhere is there a 1.84 anything...all I see is 1-83 a couple of times, a PISE v81 and then something with Bain-Ready. So what file do I download. Then there is a link to something that says for updates go to ASIS. So when you go there once again it says current version is 1.34.3. I see that and my question is do I download that with the PISE stuff or by itself. Also do I use ASIS encounter zones. I apologize for all the questions but I feel that the directions are impossible to understand. Simply stated what files do I download for the complete mod.


Thank you all,



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