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I broke it.


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I broke Skyrim.


I did something stupid. I had the Pinapplevision ENB (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20741/) installed and I wanted to get rid of it for some reason, and I deleted all the files from the Skyrim folder that were originally in the folder the ENB was in that I copied. I didn't delete the ENB Series files.


So, this act lead to when I started the game, the Bethesda logo would show, then the client would immediately crash.


I tried putting the files back in the folder, but that didn't help. Here's a picture: I tried reinstalling, from Steam and from the disc.


Please, someone tell me how I can fix this.

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You should try to verify the game cache through steam.


To do so, go to your games Library, right-click Skyrim, choose Properties, and on the Local Files tab choose "Verify Integrity of Game Cache." IIRC, one file will always fail to validate so don't alarm yourself over it.

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At this point, I'd probably try a clean install. Uninstall the game, navigate to the installation directory and make sure that either there is no \stamapps\common\Skyrim\ folder or that it is completely empty and then reinstall the game. I'd test it here with no mods installed and if it works, start adding in mods one or two at a time so if problems arise you know where to start troubleshooting.


If you use NMM or another mod manager, you may need to delete some files regarding what mods have been installed as well.

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At this point, I'd probably try a clean install. Uninstall the game, navigate to the installation directory and make sure that either there is no \stamapps\common\Skyrim\ folder or that it is completely empty and then reinstall the game. I'd test it here with no mods installed and if it works, start adding in mods one or two at a time so if problems arise you know where to start troubleshooting.


If you use NMM or another mod manager, you may need to delete some files regarding what mods have been installed as well.

I'm trying that now, and Skyrim in currently installing, no mods subscribed all extra files deleted. Here's hoping.

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At this point, I'd probably try a clean install. Uninstall the game, navigate to the installation directory and make sure that either there is no \stamapps\common\Skyrim\ folder or that it is completely empty and then reinstall the game. I'd test it here with no mods installed and if it works, start adding in mods one or two at a time so if problems arise you know where to start troubleshooting.


If you use NMM or another mod manager, you may need to delete some files regarding what mods have been installed as well.

Sir, is it alright if I confess my love to you?


Seriously, that worked without flaw. I have no idea why I didn't try that out. Thanks.

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