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Dynamicly adding all armor to merchant chest


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I am a noob with scripting and am hoping someone can help. I am trying to make a mod that would be a onestop shop for armor. By this it would be a merchant shop that would offer not only the vanilla armors, but also any mod added armors. How would I go about dynamically filling the merchant chest with armor not included in the vanilla game, without placing each one individually.

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but not armor and weapons from other people's mods, correct?

only items that were part of his mod or of vanilla skyrim


only SkyProc can do that without necessarily knowing what mods, armor, or weapons might or might not exist.

Edited by GrimyBunyip
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Looking at it that mod hijacks the smithing system so it will recognize mod added recipes. That's not at all the same as adding actual items to a vendor.


Adding items from mods you don't know about is imho impossible using papyrus baring major changes from the SKSE team.

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