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Retexture Ancient shroud gloves to Nightingale


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Hi There!


I'm not really the guy that does mods or textures, with other words the Skyrim Creation Kit looks like Hieroglyphs!


quick question:

can anyone retexture me the Ancient Shroud gloves ( Backstab does double dmg) Into the Looks And Stats of the Nightingale gloves?


all mods i found that do that only got the 1h dmg enchantment on them not the real Backstab so they all just make 15x sneak backstab instead of 30x dmg!


Would be very greatful for anyones help!

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Alright, I'll work on it now. To clarify, you want gloves that look like the Nightingale but have the Ancient Shrouded enchantment, or what? I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what you mean.


EDIT: Well, in any case, that's what I did - here you go. You can find the gloves in a knapsack around the Dawnstar forge. They look like the Nightingale gloves, but work like the Ancient Shrouded ones, including the keywords that give you the extra armor boost when wearing the whole Shrouded set. Hope that's what you wanted :)

Edited by Jokerine
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