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Porting a certain Mod


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Hey guys,


so i ported a mod successfully and then i wanted to make a clean backup install of the mod so my staging folder and my download folder are the same.
then i dont know what i did wrong but the mod broke.

when i tried to redo it like 5 times i couldnt get it to work at all anymore and i dont get what i did wrong.



its a simple BSA and ESP (BSA contains less than 10 textures and less than 10 meshes). and it has an additional master file needed eventhough its actually not using it.


So would anyone here maybe help me out and just port this thing for me privately? (actually idk if thats against any rules since my request is meant to stay private. if it is please consider this request null and void.)

alternatively maybe someone tell me in clear and short steps whats needed to be done

here is what i did

- extract bsa
- nif opt meshes
- deleted the unused master for esp with CK
- renamed something in CK and reversed it - then saved
- redeployed and applied changes

i cant thing of anything i forgot but im not sure at this point anymore.

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If you'd read any of the associated documentation then you would know that the tool can extract the SLE BSA contents, optimize them and re-build them into an SSE BSA.


You still load the ESP into the 64-bit CK and save it, no changing of any data needed.


As far as when to remove any required master files, that is on you to figure out. I don't recommend removing master files without being absolutely certain that no records in the plugin require said master file.

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i tried it in so many different ways with different tools. the only thing i didnt try until now was the repacking. but i got it to work with loose files before. i honestly dont know what i did wrong even after reading everything i found.

may i overlooked it but i didnt find any info on if i have to do thos steps seperately or if the tool is basically able to do all that with one click if i check the needed setting in all tabs.

"extract the SLE BSA contents, optimize them and re-build them into an SSE BSA."

im trying again just now. and yes i know for certain the master isnt used at all i double checked in ssedit as well.

lets see how this goes then...

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i just did:

- extract

- optimize
- repack

- install mod
- load with CK
- delete master
- save in CK
- deploy changes

and yet again something went wrong and it isnt working

maybe i need to save first then reopen CK and remove the master?

im so lost. sorry if it sounded like i didnt read any instructrions. and this should be like the 10th mod i ported. like deadly dragons was no issue at all when i ported it before it was available on nexus too.

btw neither the meshes nor the textures work.
on my first success only the textures worked first and then (i think optimize them with nif opt) it worked fine

Edited by sictired
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Start over...


Extract LE version of the mod to a clean folder

Copy plugin to data folder

Load in SSEEdit

Right click and remove unused masters

Exit SSEEdit and let it save the plugin

Load the plugin as active in 64-bit CK and save without making any changes then exit the CK


Launch Cathedral Asset Optimizer

Select SSE profile

Click "Open Directory" and navigate to where you have the LE mod to convert

Select "One mod" rather than "Several mods" from the drop down on the right

BSA tab

check "Extract BSA"

optionally check "Delete backups"

check "Create BSA"

user choice regarding "Create the least BSAs possible"

everything else leave as-is

Meshes tab

check "Process meshes"

check select Necessary optimization

check "Always process headparts" and "Resave meshes"

everything else leave as-is

Textures tab

check "Process textures"

check "Necessary optimization", "Compress textures" and "Generate mipmaps"

Animations tab

check "Necessary optimization"

Finally press "Run"

Log tab will show the results of what it does.


Copy new BSA to the Data folder

Confirm that the plugin is form 44 in SSEEdit

Test in game.


If it all works, create a new 7z / zip / rar archive of the converted plugin and optimized BSA, move the 7z / zip / rar archive as well as the plugin and bsa to a clean folder for backup purposes. Install the 7z / zip / rar archive with your mod manager. Test again in game.


If it does not work after that, I don't know what to tell you.

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ah maybe i found the issue


could you guve me your piece of mind on this?


at some point i cleaned the masters with ssedit but it couldnt remove it entirely and afterwards i removed it in CK. maybe the cleaning in ssedit is needed bc i didnt do that more then one time.

afterwards only ever via CK

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