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Human Leveled List Randomizer

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Human Leveled List Randomizer



Generate a unified apparel and weapon leveled list that replaces all human NPC leveled lists and includes items added by other mods.

In effect, this would create a Fallout 4 world where all humans had random apparel and weapons lending itself to a fun mod to add to additional playthroughs.



A mod, or script, that collects all the listed apparel and weapons contained within the game (including other mods). Then replaces all the human leveled lists with a custom level list generated from the detected apparel and weapons. At its most basic that is all that this prospective mod would do.

Though in extension, a good feature to add would be randomizing the attachments on the weapons deployed to the NPCs using their standard attachment pool.

Another addition could be intentionally deploying items that would constitute a "full" outfit to the NPCs. However, I imagine this would be quite difficult and as such, a simpler solution would simply be to set the leveled list to grant 3-5 items from the apparel list to each NPC. While this would likely produce some overlap in slot usage for the apparel and maybe leave said NPCs armor less (which could be its own chanced sub-level list if someone was feeling ambitious), it would be good enough solution to achieve the desired effect.


Research So Far:

I don't know if a mod like this already exists, but I suspect one does not that encompasses other mods. The closest I've found is "Enemy Weapon Randomizer" (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9528) but it does not appear to function with other mods or apparel. And as such, converting it may not be the most ideal option.

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Love the idea, and would like to see the lists "Unleveled" as well. (perhaps as an option?) So NPC's could potentially show up with ANY weapon, or armor, instead of seeing better weapons as the player levels. (which seems unrealistic to me....) Would certainly make the world far more dangerous. :D

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Love the idea, and would like to see the lists "Unleveled" as well. (perhaps as an option?) So NPC's could potentially show up with ANY weapon, or armor, instead of seeing better weapons as the player levels. (which seems unrealistic to me....) Would certainly make the world far more dangerous. :D


That's exactly what I was thinking as well with any weapon and apparel regardless of player level. And through further research, it does seem possible but a tad difficult for someone new to F4 modding to pull off.


Does anyone else have further input?

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I suspect you would need an external utility like FO4Edit, to scan thru the loaded mods, create the leveled lists, and then set the "level" to 1.


In all reality, FO4Edit *should* be able to to that, but, I would have no clue how to write the script.

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