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Armor/Weapons/apachii not working


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i am having difficulty getting this mod to work, in fact i cant seem to get ANY mods for armors or weapons to appear in game.

Current Version is 1.8 and im using NMM to install everything. before that i did it all manually. im not a wizard but im Computer savvy enough to know i have installed them in the proper directories BEFORE i started using NMM because the mods that are working were installed same way.

Currently Apachii Sky, Tera Amors (every version including UNP and CBBE being ive used both model packs to check if they would work,yes with the proper UNP/CBBE installed at the time) Tera weapons, Tribunal masks and robes, Thalmor enchant strip mod and Dragon Priest Armors....none of these work for some reason. Also my MISC under smithing does not display.

However 360 walk and run plus, Mystic Knight (animation mod) and Phendrix' magic sounds work just fine.

Everything is currently installed Via NMM....ive reinstalled 3 times...mods and the actual game...nothing seems to fix this. im lost and could really use some help


ALSO wanted to post update on skyrim launcher data files doesnt allow access yet in the preferences file under [launcher] it is set to 1 and not 0. so for some reason its not registering the files on launcher boot up but it shows the esm files when i load NMM....still most mods are not working


I am using reloaded's Razor 1911 Version with updates 10-13 ....and before anyone says anything about that i purchased 2 copies of skyrim brand new for my 360(one for me and 1 for roommate so he wouldnt steal my copy)...i just got tired on not being able to access all the sweet armor mods plus my buddy has my 360 atm and im jonesing for skyrim...so i have more than paid my support for the company.

Edited by Nightspectre420
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....and before anyone says anything about that i purchased 2 copies of skyrim brand new for my 360(one for me and 1 for roommate so he wouldnt steal my copy)...i just got tired on not being able to access all the sweet armor mods plus my buddy has my 360 atm and im jonesing for skyrim...so i have more than paid my support for the company.


We disagree. Taking something without paying for it is theft, or, in the case of software, piracy.


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