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Help with Valheim+/Vortex


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Hoping for a little assist with installing Valheim+ using Vortex. The download was successful and in Vortex shows "enabled" and a thumbs-up. Two things: Haven't noticed any in-game changes, and looking for a manual that walks one through how to implement the changes.



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Yeah. But you must understand if mods are conflicting with each other. And V+ is quite huge.

And it might be a good idea to look into how Vortex works. The "Thumbs up" are not some kind of approval from Vortex that a mod is correctly installed. Neither is a green "Enabled" button. That just tells you that Vortex has placed the file where the archive wanted to be placed, according to the Game support Extension for Vortex.

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Thanks again for the help.


Last night I used the Github sight. (https://github.com/valheimPlus/ValheimPlus) and downloaded the zip file (for Windows Client) and followed the instructions for installing through Steam beginning with right-clicking on Valheim in my Steam Library and selecting "Manage/Browse Local Files". After unzipping the Valheim Plus file into a folder on my desktop, I copied and pasted the three folders and two files into the "valheim_Data" folder. I then opened the Valheim Plus config file in Notepad and selected the options and their values I wanted in the game, saved and started the game.

No changes have occurred in game (though it runs fine), so I must have done something wrong.

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I instead placed the Plus files in the main folder (not the valheim_Data folder) and everything seems to be working fine now. I even got a visit from Hugin the raven and was welcomed to Valheim Plus. : )


Thanks again for the help!

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