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Headbands with colors and all the optons for those hair modders


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Okay, guys, let's go into it. Fallout 4 has an amazing ability to support hair mods but if they're poly enough the hats and helms will clip and there's just "no two ways about it."


So let's work around that. You know that thing over the eyebrows, whassat again? Oh, yeah, the forehead! As the entire idea is to have your headgear (and its variety/legendary/material, yadda yadda yadda) present but not ruining hair, use a circlet, a tiara, an Asian forehead protector, a frigging headband on the forehead using the wig/hat slot so that the headgear and the hair just don't clash! For the love of God, quasi-Fifties culture either returned to the Fallout world or never went away until the War, where's the pageant crowns, Metal Forehead Guards, Raider Fright Masks, Leather Headbands, Gyaaaaaah!


Every time hairstyles get a new addition or advance, we go through the conflicted desires. Let's solve it, shall we? I'd do it myself but I'd suck.

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