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Why I'm voting for Bush


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You don't want to talk about the torture chambers, and the rapes rooms, and the beatings, etc.


Two words - Abu Ghraib.

I have to say this has got to be one of the most idiotic comments that I have heard in a long time. What happened in that prison is a grain of sand on the beach compared to what you are putting it up against.

Scrimshaw was trying to imply that all Human Rights abuses in Iraq had stopped with the removal of Saddam. I corrected him. What is idiotic about that?


I agree it's, by far, less than the kind of things Saddam did, but it is in the same sort of vein.


Yet another wonderful example of how the biased media is will to help propogate lies in a manner that should strip them of all crediblity.


There was at least psychological torture, if not physical torture, and sexual perversions practiced on the prisoners in Abu Ghraib. All the media did was report this.


Even worse is the fact that they tried to blame this on Bush. How can any rational person make this accusation?


Well, the soldier in charge of that unit claims she has evidence that indicates the orders come from 'the very top' of the chain of command, which would be Bush. Of course, whether she actually has this evidence is another matter entirely.

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sorry there white wolf, i guess i missunderstood your intentions with that response. now that you mention that all the media did was reprot it, i have thought about that some more. I suppose i would have to say the thing that upset me the most was maybe not actually the media, but the endless line of american politicians all making sure that they were on camera saying that this was the worst thing that they had ever seen. makes me sick sometimes to watch politicians pander to the masses.
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No problem. I do agree that using something like the Abu Ghraib abuses for political gain is despicable, no matter who does it.


Of course, it could be that this is the worst thing that these politicians have seen, but, if that's the case, they haven't really got much familiarity with history, for example, WW2 concentration camps.

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in a way it might almost do people some good to see stuff like what happened in WW2. I'm not in any way saying what happened was good, don't get me wrong. I'd never wish for anything like that to be repeated, but the people from that generation had a clear picture of what they were fighting against.
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Why I am voting for Bush<BR>



We need military in this terrorist situation, and Bush is the man for that. Im no Republican, but I'm no Democrap. i mean Democrat. The way I see it is, If Bush is elected, he will continue to support our troops then do nothing. and if Kerry is elected, he'll raise the taxes, and then do nothing.<BR>


So which is the better deal? I'll answer you that. Bush. Bee, You, Es, Aych. Another thing is that my Grandma and Grandpa are at my house, and they keep saying how "wonderful" Kerry and Edwards. It's ticking me off.<BR>



The End.




^ For those of you who don't know, that's a simple format of how you write books in The Elder scrolls construction set

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The Best Page In The Universe


Stop all your crying and defending of either of the candidates or the media. They should all be dragged into the streets and flogged to easily-pronounced acronyms. Bush did a couple of stupid things and therefore should not be president. Kerry did A LOT of stupid things and therefore should be punched into a puddle of slogans. As for the media, Tommy Franks said it right when he put "CNN and al-Jazeera" in the same sentence, right next to each other.

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800+ americans dead

100+ "coalition" members dead

countless iraqi civilians dead


150 Billion dollars and counting


0 weapons of mass destruction, 0 terrorist links, 0 bio warfare labs



and they wanted to impeach clinton?



Not to mention this so called freedom that's been handed to the iraqi people. The government is a bunch of ex-CIA goons, not to mention the current interim president of Iraq is a former terrorist.

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So called freedom that's been handed to the iraqi people.

Ah, yes. That would be the so-called freedom that allows them to compete in the Olympics without the threat of torture or death hanging over their heads should they lose. Oh, by the way ... the Iraqi soccer team won their first match, while the mainstays of the soccer world (Brazil, US, France) are all out of competition. Without said threats over their head, they can actually play pretty well.


Yes, there are daily house raids, and, yes, that sucks. At least, we're going after al-Sadr now rather than his subordinates.

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800+ americans dead

100+ "coalition" members dead

countless iraqi civilians dead


It's called war... Name one war where people didn't die...

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