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Creation Kit Not working after load


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OK in the past few months, the CK has been working flawlessly, up until lately, i've read forum watched videos,deleted and reinstalled skyrim, downloaded a new 'SkyrimEditor.ini', along with previous modifications to the sArchivelists, and so.


So basically this all started when i got skyrim update 13(1.9.32) and eversince i installed it, CK won't get past 'loading files...initializing', then i thought "well hey, maybe its the 1.9 update!" then i deleted the files from my directory and once again reinstalled skyrim along with the ck, i alway keep an untouched Creation kit file and its original .rar file as well. along with a lot of other technical bulls***. There were allot more things involved in the process, so fell fre to ask me if i've done anything you may have done.

( P.S. I am about ready tho blow up my computer!!!!! :devil: >:( >:( >:( :devil:)


Please help me in any way you can, and please keep it related to the topic i need all the HELP! i can get :biggrin:


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