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Multiple Master files problem


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Hey everyone! Please help!!


I have gone under SkyrimEditor and have added under General:


bAllowMultipleMasterFiles=1 AND bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1


Neither work!!!!! Am I missing something?

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Yes, the only DLC I have is Hearthfire, and I want to use some items from there for my current mod, but I cannot select more than my own ESM file in Creation Kit. I have not added the BSA files, is there a reference i can look up? I just want to make sure my mod has Hearthfire items. Thanks!

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Under [Archive]

For Hearthfire only change

SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa


SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa


If you were to use other dlc, you'd add their bsa files to the same line.


Tip: Make a file called SkyrimEditorCustom.ini in the same location as SkyrimEditor.ini and put all your changes in it. The CK will use those values instead of the default thus saving you the hassle of re-doing the adjustments with every CK verification/update.

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Awesome! You rock! Now, which of the 2 do I place under the General tab? bAllowMultipleMasterFiles=1 OR bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1


And do you also have the other 2 DLC bsa file codings? Thank you so much!

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That's the one you want.


As far as the dlc bsa entries, just type them in exactly as they are spelled in your data folder.


Now just cause you add the bsa to that line doesn't mean that you can access/use assets from the bsa. You still need to extract any files and place them in your data folder for the CK to actually recognize them. Adding the bsa file to the archive list just means that the CK won't flip out when a record is loaded that points to something which is found in the bsa.

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