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Quest Bug: Glory of the Dead


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Well, more of a weapon glitch, but bare with me.

So, I'm in Ysgramor's tomb for the final mission in the Companions questline. I go up to the statue and activate it and Wuuthrad is placed on the statue. However it's weight, 25 pounds, is not removed from the carry weight counter. Furthermore, when I reactivate the statue to grab to take the axe back, the weight is added again, effectively doubling it's weight and making me overencumbered. I tried reloading the autosave and removing it via console, but that doesn't solve the weight problem either.

My max carry weight is 345, and I'm at 331 as I enter the tomb. After placing the weapon in the statue's hands the weight is not affected and stays at 331. Furthermore, when I take the axe back it increases to 356.

Also, as I just discovered today apparently, Wuuthrad isn't supposed to be able to be tempered at the grindstone. I've always been able to temper it with one ebony ingot, even before I started playing with mods. So when the axe is placed on the statue, then I take it back, my improvements on the weapon are undone, so my "exquisite" wuuthrad, does it's original base damage.

Whatsmore, when the axe is unequipped, like when I have a different weapon in my hands, it has a higher damage value than when it is equipped. My improved wuuthrad (seriously, nobody else can do that?) which does 57 damage, only does 44 damage when unequipped. After taking the weapon back from the statue, the new unimproved wuuthrad does 37 damage equipped, but does 44 damage unequipped, and apparently weighs twice as much.

Edited by LordSarcasm
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