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new to adding mods, seeking advice


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I'm looking for some advice on adding mods. I've been playing the console version (xbox 360) for a while now, but this site drew my interest months ago. For a while now, i've been bookmarking mods i like. My problem is due to the depth and amount of different mods, i don't know where to begin. I'm drawn to dl everything i like, but i'm refraining from it until i find some advice on how to proceed.

Currently i have installed:

1. Skyrim PC on version 1.9.32
2. Nexus Mod Manager installed (newest version)
3. SKSE installed (newest version)
4. SkyUI installed (newest version)


I've seen overhauls, visualizations, cities, armors and weapons, npc's, homes and buildings, immersions, and large WIPs. There always seems to be different options for each category, IE: countless Breezehome remodels. I'm going to assume that i'd choose one breezehome mod and go with it as multiples would conflict. Am i correct in my thinking?

How does that fare with overhauls and visualizations though? IE: Skyrim redone and Beautiful Cities

How do you know if a certain mod will or won't conflict with another that you may like, oustide of the description of course? IE: STEP - Skyrim Total Enhancement Project" & "Enhanced Lights and FX

Is there a safe amount of mods to add or refrain from adding? How much is too much or is it endless? It's like a kid in a candy store.

I guess I'm basically stuck at where to begin when it comes to adding mods. Any advice on where to begin, rules of thumb, tips, or directions would really be helpful.

One last question:

Are there limits to the creation kit when designing a mod? I've never used the creation kit, i know it's available through a steam purchase, but before i consider getting into it, i'd like to know what can or can't be done with it. Like Most, I've always been fascinated with changing the layout and design of Whiterun. Is it possible to extend the city walls, add new roads, buildings, homes, stalls, and expansion of the breezehome? Do you have to start fresh or can one work off an existing mod?

Again, thank you for anyone who takes the time to answer my questions and point me in the right direction. I greatly appreciate your time and help.  Thanks again!

Edited by hotzpacho
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I can tell you my policy and people are free to agree or disagree.


Limit yourself to one or none of the following:



Lighting effects

Blood mods

Graphics mods (for the same thing, i.e. don't get two different "HD Flora" mods)


On the other hand, you can use just about any number of unique weapon and armor mods, magic spells, magic items, etc. without much threat of conflict or CTDs.


The number of mods you can successfully use in theory is far more than you will probably be able to use successfully in practice. The most I've used without conflict was around two dozen but that's largely an arbitrary figure. Any mods that rely on completely unique content will never conflict, but only a few types of mods can get away with being completely unique. Any mod that relies on modifications to the same system files will conflict.


As far as what the Creation Kit is capable of, it can do a heck of a lot. Adding castle walls, roads, buildings, is actually one of the easier things to do in the Creation Kit. Things can become difficult fast though and a good policy for new modders is to aim low and build in baby steps.


If you are considering learning to mod, you shouldn't hesitate to download a variety of mods and see how their authors accomplished what they did. It's one of the best ways to learn. You can work off of another person's mod but you'll have to keep it to your personal use unless you get permission from them to release your version of the mod publically. Like anything else its just about not taking credit for what others have accomplished.


My only warning about using mods for Skyrim is if you also own a console copy of the game, you'll never want to use it again.

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thanks for the quick reply. I'll definitely use your advice.


Now which of the overhauls, enbs, lighting effects, blood mods, and graphics mods (what exactly is this?) do you suggest?


I would assume that one could have as many different player homes as they want, am i correct?


But on the other hand it would have to be one breezehome remodel instead of 2 or 3 breezehome remodels?

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Whatever you choose, you will save yourself massive trouble if you make changes one or two at a time, run BOSS and play a bit before making any more changes. Adding a bunch of things all at once means if there is a problem you have no idea what caused it and greatly increases your chance of having to toss your whole game and start from scratch.

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Thanks for the reminder; i was planning on doing that Install mod > test it out > rinse wash repeat. I wasn't aware of BOSS, but now i am, so thank you very much!


Any opinion on which mods to use based on the categories budcat spoke about earlier?

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