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Massive Modding/Wrye Bash


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I recently decided to take up an interest in Skyrim again, for when I am not playing Minecraft or Bioshock, and came to the conclusion that I am going to install ALL THE MODZ. Not really, but more like 50-70 some mods. I currently have a list in progress, and have been testing each one individually and such. I am also installing several Overhaul mods that change the several different functions of the game (Economy, Race Heights & Face Packs, Body Mods, etc). I have heard however that some of these mods conflict with each other. I also plan on adding in new armor, clothing, and weapons, plus maybe a few more spells/a mod that overhauls the magic system. And no, I am not using SkyRe. It makes a few changes that I feel other mods can do better.


My point, is however, could anyone provide me some tips for ensuring the compatibility of these mods, or bashing a few to force them to work properly? Thanks! And if one would like to know my mod list, I shall put it up on this thread if asked.

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