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Immersive Armors Download Not Working


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I'm trying to download the Immersive Armors mod by Hothtrooper44, but every server gives this message when I try to download it manually, and it cycles through every server before finally giving a similar message when I try to download it via NMM:




The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...

Download down

Sorry, it seems like this file server is struggling with this file at the moment. Please try downloading the file from another file server.

Note: if this is happening on all the file servers there could be a problem! Head to the forums and let us know!

Sorry for the inconvenience!


This is isolated to just this specific mod. I'm presently downloading Immersive Weapons (by the same author) and just downloaded about twelve other mods.



Edit: Actually, Immersive Weapons failed to download correctly and won't install. I have to use the task manager to force-shutdown Nexus Mod Manager when I try to install it because the program freezes.

Edited by Timuri
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Have you tried manually downloading? If you manually download the zip file to your NMM mod folder (where all the other zip files are) you should be able to install it with NMM like a regualer NMM download. Or you could download it somewhere else and use the add mod from file icon in NMM to install.

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I'm having similiar issues today, downloaded a few other mods including Immersive Weapons just fine. Armors on the other hand no go. Auto download with NMM just freezes the program, manual download i get the same error as Timuri.


EDIT: Finally many hours later I was able to download and install it. hurray.

Edited by Wacheif
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