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I have some esp's in my SKYRIM folder, do they work there?


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Picture of the relevant .esps there

They're in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ instead of C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data


Are they working? they're esp's that were put there via installer.exe's or my ENB or something, not ones I've manually put there. Are they MEANT to be there and will be working?

Or do all esp's have to go in Data folder to have any effect what so ever?

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YES put them in the data folder,And remember to activate them in the launcher otherwise theyll have no effect.


All esps should be in the data folder and remember to put textures and meshes in their respective folders too if youre doing it manually.

Just use a mod manager of some sort and you dont have to worry about where to put any of them :biggrin:

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I didn't see what folders you had in your Skyrim folder, but you should also make sure that any folders associated with those esp's are also put in your data folder. If you have the original zip file for those esp's, you could check and see if there are specific folders included to go with them.

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