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I know there are two Joker mods for this game but nothing for TWO-FACE! and i'mnot talking about the Nolanverse Two-Face I'm talking about the DC Animated Universe Two-Face maybe with the Scars changed to what they look like on the New Earth Two-Face. here's some shots.


First New Earth.






In the secondo ne you can't really see the hair on the left side of his body (fromhis prespective) though i doubt doing the hair would even be possible


DC Animated Universe








Now what i mostly want fromt he DCAU varient is the suit. and if possible the handguns. and hair.


but as far as making the Race i personally think the scars lookbetter ont he New Earth varient. but pleas if anyone is oging to make this don't do it based ont he Nolanverse or Burtinverse

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hehe scratch the New Earth Scars if anyone is still intresied in making this i'd like to have the scars frm the Long Hallowen.here's some pics. and if Two suits were to be amde. one from TLH and the other one fromt he DCAU?






stupid website got on my case about that image so i had to uplaod another one ot photobucket.

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