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Storm Call Shout causes Bow animation to slow down a lot!


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<p>Sorry if there is a better section to post this in, however here is the issue.</p>

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<p> Every time I use Storm Call Shout, my bow animations when drawing back with an arrow, are super slow, while everything else in the game world moves at normal speed. I am not good with capturing or uploading videos, else I would have a link to show you what I mean.</p>

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<p> This happens every time, and reloading a game that was saved after using Storm Call Shout yields the same results, regardless of what type of bow I used, including Bound Bows.</p>

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<p> Very frustrating! </p>

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<p> I uninstalled Pretty Combat Idles, started a new game, gave myself the shout, and still have same results.</p>

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<p> I am using Improved Dragon Shouts mod, and when I open up everything using Tesvedit, the only other program that has anything to do with Storm Call Shout is Skyrim.esm.  No other mods use it.</p>

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<p> Really baffled, because I am forced to play a game without ever using Storm Call Shout, else it will forever screw up my game using any bows. =( </p>

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<p>I am using SkyRe overhaul, and have 2  pt into the bow perk that slows time when zooming by 50% (Steady Hand). What I am experiencing is like this, but the animation time on my bow is always at 50% slower, while the rest of the game world is moving at normal speed, after Storm Call Shout has been used</p>

Edited by Palad1n
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I am experiencing this exact same problem. Once I use the Storm Call shout the bow draw speed is EXTREMELY slow, it must take 7 seconds to draw the bow. The only common mod i'm seeing listed is SkyRe Overhaul, specifically I have Version .9916 installed which is the last version for Vanilla Skyrim without Dawn Guard. Now I obviously cannot uninstall SkyRe to test if this is the problem. If any mod authors out there come up with a solution please let me know. Other wise....I can live with out Storm Call.

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