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URGENT: Shadow Disabler


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I know about the .ini file thing, I've edited that, and yet the shadows are still there, and still making my game lag like a b****. I'm not the only one who has had this problem, editing the .ini file does not appear to remove shadows from DA:O.


I know mods have been made that remove shadows from other games (I use one for TES:Skyrim, and it makes a MASSIVE difference), so I have to ask, why is there not a mod like this for DA:O?


Please, someone, make one. Everyone who has lag issues in DA:O will love you for ever.

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That would be a huge effort and I really dont think that would help much anyway. Shadows are built into the actual level files then exported to make area files. So what you're seeing in the game is basically baked in color on stationary objects and you cant remove the static lighting or you wont see your characters. Have you tried disabling things like buffer effects and playing at lower video settings? Personally I prefer it without the buffer effects especially the da_bloom. I hate the blur it adds.
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