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Game won't start


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OK, I have a recently bought morrowind but the I can't actually play the game. When I launch it I get a message saying morrowind has performed an illegal operation. I had loaded it onto my grandparents computer a few days before so i had something to do over there house and it worked fine, but on my home computer it doesn't work. :(


I don't understand as my system has all the right specs to play the game. I have recently defragged it and reinstalled the game numerously but with no effect.



Please help.

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Well unfortunately the required specs on the box are just a liiiittle bit unrealistic :P just what are your computer specs currently? Also from the "illegal operation" message I'm guessing you're on Windows 98? XP/2000 is best for this game I think.
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Also make sure you have the correct drivers. I mess that up all the time on some games. I won't have the correct driver and it won't even load. Or it'll load and be all weird-colored.
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Thanks for your replies.


My computer is Windows 98, I have an Nvidia graphics card and I'm almost certain the driver is up to date.


If I put the game on resolution 800 by 600 and put it in a windowed mode it will display the Bethesda Softworks animation but then the screen goes a light grey colour and crashes.


I'm really confused :(

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from the info youve provided it looks like your graphics card and/or drivers are the problem. If you can borrow a card to try it ( the more up to date the better ) and it works then that would confirm it. Its also worth ensuring all old Nvidia drivers are removed as they have a nasty habid of staying installed in the registry when the drivers are updated.

Hope this helps.

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Oh, the latest Nvidia driver. That could be the problem. Nvidia are notorious for making things worse with every update, and this one's no exception. :P I was having real problems with it.


I suggest going to nvidia.com and searching for "45.23". Download the one for Windows 98. It's an old reliable driver that works very well in my experience :P


NOTE: This is only if your card is GeForce. But they're really the only ones that are around now :P if you have a Quadro or a Riva (which are pretty old methinks) chances are it wouldn't run Morrowind anyway.

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Well actually it says "GeForce and TNT2" so the cards use the same drivers. Didn't spot that before :P so still try what I suggested above. Might work...


And I wouldn't think installing it in a previous computer beforehand would cause any problems but I don't really know much about that sort of thing.

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