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ENB not loading


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I know this is a common problem and often easily solvable but I have googled for hours without finding any fix. I have recently reinstalled skyrim and decided to try out some new ENB presets. I have done this before without a problem but this time I can't get enb to load. The game runs perfectly but there's no text saying the enb version and such, no effects are shown and shift+12 won't do anything. I have downloaded the right enb version from enbdev.com and tried both wrapper and injector version, I have changed the line in skyrimprefs.ini and tried everything from running the game as an administrator to just running sweetfx which by the way won't even work on it's own.


Things that have changed since it last worked for me is I've upgraded to windows 8 and now has the game on a secondary hard drive if that matters.I'm running a gtx 570 with latest drivers.

Edited by tirim4
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ENB uses some libraries from windows so you could also make sure you have d3dx9_26.dll and d3dx9_40.dll saved into your Skyrim game directory. If you don't, then go back to skse.silverlock.com and follow the links on the download page to get these files, or copy them from System32 or whatever into your game dir. Edited by vinniewryan
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Sorry for late reply but no that didn't work. On another note I can't get SKSE to work either, it says I have to update my Skyrim to the latest version even if I have it on Steam so it should be updated automaticly.

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