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bassguitarmstr - BANNED

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bassguitarmstr banned.




Reason for the ban

Admitted to piracy of games. No matter if it is Skyrim or any other game, pirates are not welcome on Nexus.


bassguitarmstr, on 17 Mar 2013 - 06:49, said:


In response to post #7597905. #7597924, #7597973, #7597978, #7598090, #7598266, #7598388 are all replies on the same post.


I did what you said and unfortunately it didnt work.


Does it only work with certain female characters or should it be anyone that i encounter?


Maybe Im just missing something that you would probably spot right away...


And I know that there have been a few problems with torrented games which I am currently playing off of. Long story short, I built a brand new computer from scratch and my computer programming friend set everything up, including throwing in a couple of games. Since then there have been bits and pieces missing in just about every game including skyrim, that I have been able to fix with some patience, google and a little of my own curiosity. Just this day I was able to activate the "Data Files" option on the launch screen when before it was not selectable.


Could that be the problem? Could it be because it isn't the actual game that I cant directly change this?


By the way I really appreciate this. Your patience and willingness to help me with this problem has been greatly received and I am learning from your help.





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