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Get rid of all NPCs


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Hello, I would like to know how I could remove all npc via CK or other way ..


I need clear skyrim world with out any npc(humans, beasts, animals etc... etc..) so I could build something by my own, Like short alternative story line. Is it possible ?

Should be if you delete all the races in the ck.

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It's possible. Don't delete the races in the CK... That'll just give you mounds of errors because the markers referencing the NPCs still exist.

You'll need to remove all character references from every cell. That includes leveled enemy spawn points which appear as a large green M in the render window.

The window in the lower right can be used to find each and every NPC in the cell, so it's just a little tedious to get all NPCs removed, but not difficult.

You might consider releasing the "clean slate" mod as a modder's resource, too. Some other modders might think of some excellent overhaul ideas or something.
Edited by AvelonHellfyre
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Pretty easy to do if you use TES5Edit. Apply filter. Copy as override, then apply this script:


  Change deleted flag on selected references.
  Collapse and expand cell group to see changes.
unit userscript;

  bDelete: boolean;

function Initialize: integer;
  i: integer;
  i := MessageDlg('Set [YES] or clear [NO] Deleted flag?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo, mbCancel], 0);
  if i = mrYes then bDelete := true else
    if i = mrNo then bDelete := false else begin
      Result := 1;

function Process(e: IInterface): integer;
  s: string;
  s := Signature(e);
  if (s <> 'REFR') then

  SetIsDeleted(e, bDelete);


I suppose you can "clean" it later.

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