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Looking for a Method


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I'm trying to find a way to set conditions that determine what equip/unequip (unsheathe/sheathe) animations play base on what weapons you have in your hands. In other words, if you have two swords, an animation will play that shows the character drawing two swords; if you have an axe and a mace, that animation will play, etc. etc. I've tried doing this with FNIS and it is not working out. If anyone knows of a possible method that could make this work, perhaps through scripting or an FNIS setup that I haven't tried or what have you, please let me know.

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I've already tried that using FNIS, but the animations don't play right. They play twice but the weapons don't equip, then the vanilla animation plays and the weapons equip. I don't think FNIS will work for this. But that is the only way I know of for adding new animevents.

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