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House bard singing the wrong song.


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Anybody know why my bard is singing the wrong song? I hired him before I officially joined either side, so I could kind of let it slide then. However, I have since officially joined the Stormcloaks. I requested the Age of Oppression, and he started singing the Age of Aggression instead. I fired him, waited two in game days, rehired him, fast traveled to Windhelm and back, and requested the song again. Just like the first time, he made the comment "You must be a Stormcloak through and through ot request that one!" but then he starts singing praise to the Imperials again. Is there any way I can fix him besides going all the way back to a save from before I hired him? I'm not a fan of the imperials. I don't want him singing their praises all the time, but I like having a bard around. I like Ragnar the Red and the music he plays.

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